School Athletics Carnivals


School Athletics Carnivals

Prestons Robins LAC is happy to assist your school with your Athletics Carnival or Cross Country Trials (for Cross Country, please contact us first via

Booking Dates

Together with booking with us you also need to book the field with Liverpool Council to prevent another school from taking your day. You should have your 1st preference and also a backup date (in case of bad weather).

Field Layout Map

This is a field layout map to show you where each of the event areas are located.

PA System

Most schools locate the students in the north-western corner of the field – the advantage here is that it is directly under the PA speakers, and is also a short walk to the toilets.  Parents/spectators usually stay outside the fence on the hill.  Some schools locate the students in the middle of the field, however, the PA system is not great out in the middle – a portable/battery powered PA or megaphone is suggested there.


We have 2 tracks – the round track for your 200m and 800m events, and a separate straight track on the infield for the 100m events.  This allows you to run events on both tracks at the same time and get through the program quicker.

Field Events

For field events, we have 4 long Jump runways, 4 Shot Put circles, 4 Discus circles/cages and 2 high Jump mats although most schools only use 2 of each field event area.  Please let me know how many event areas you would like to be set up.

Equipment Hiring

We will supply all throwing implements, measuring tapes and spikes, rakes for long jump, stop watches and starting “e-guns” as well as tables and chairs for recording at the end of the tracks.  We also have a BBQ if your P&C would like to run a canteen – this can be set up under the awning and power is available there (we do not have access to the canteen in winter).

Booking and Payment Form

All orders can be purchased online via Order & Payment Form

Please contact us via if you have any questions.