Weekly Club Results
All results will be maintained in the online ResultsHQ software package. A secure family logon will allow you to view your family’s results and track their progress throughout the season.
Results are manually entered by our Results Officers and are usually entered by the middle of the following week.

How to Login
To log on for the first time:
- go to www.resultshq.com.au, and click Forgot Password.
- Enter the email address that was used in the online registration process at the start of this season.
- A temporary password will be emailed to you.
- Once you receive this password, return to www.resultshq.com.au and enter your email address and temporary password.
If you are unable to logon, please email us at prestonsrobins@gmail.com and we will investigate.
Common Q&A’s
For further details to common questions please click HERE.
Club Records are awarded on performances achieved during Friday Night competition at Ash Road.
IMPORTANT: A Committee Member MUST verify all Records. For Records broken in Field Events, a Committee Member MUST be called to measure. For Track Events, the Record MUST be checked and signed by the Timekeeper.
Entering Gala Days
Gala Days and inter-club carnivals are a great way to gain experience by competing against athletes.
We will make an announcement on Friday nights or on our facebook page of upcoming gala days.
Entries and payment for Gala Days are now made directly with the host centre (usually online via ResultsHQ)
If you need instructions of how to do this process, please click HERE
LANSW Championship Results
To access all LANSW Championship Results you should click Here.
Point Score, Trophies & Records
IMPORTANT: An Athlete MUST attend at least 50% of Friday Night Competitions to qualify for an end of season trophy
Please notify your Age Manager, committee member or email prestonsrobins@gmail.com if injury, illness or other extenuating circumstances prevent an athlete from competing on a Friday night.
Age Group Awards
Age Champion, Runner Up, 3rd Place, “Best in Event,” Encouragement and Participation trophies are awarded for each boys and girls age group at our end of season presentation. Points are accumulated throughout the season based on performance and attendance. Tiny Tots will receive a Participation trophy and certificate.
Points are accumulated throughout the season based on placings in each event and attendance.
- 1st – 7 Points
- 2nd – 5 Points
- 3rd – 3 Points
- 4th + 1 Point each
- Attendance 1 Point per night
Where more than one heat is conducted in an event, or if an age group is split due to high numbers, placings are determined on performances across all heats.
Major Trophies
Major trophies are awarded to Junior (6 to 8 years), Intermediate (9 to 12) and Senior (13 to 17) Boy and Girl Champions. These awards are calculated using the LANSW Multi-event point score tables for each age group.
Other major trophies include the Club Boy and Club Girl (awarded for club spirit, sportsmanship and behaviour), Club Encouragement Award and Club Most Improved. These awards are voted for by the committee.