Club Photos and Albums

Our Club Photographers take photos of our amazing athletes in action at Gala Days, LANSW Championships and special events on a Friday Competition Night.
Our Club photo albums are generally published per Special event or Gala Days with LANSW Championships separated into per day.
Whilst our Photographers do their best to capture all of our athletes sometimes with events clashing it is impossible – if you have any photos you would like to share please email them through to us by the end of each day to be included in the albums.
To visit our albums click below.
Prestons Robins YouTube
For video footage, particularly from State Relay Championships have a look at our YouTube channel:
Photo Privacy

If you selected “NO” to photos being taken when registering your athlete/s then please understand we do our best to ensure we don’t compromise your child’s privacy – please let us know, if at any stage you have any concerns.