We make things happen together with our officials, family members and other volunteers.
“Many Hands Make Light Work” and Great ideas come when we All work Together.
Volunteer! We need you!

Our Volunteers
Our Club relies on parent volunteers to operate. Our Committee is also made up of volunteers and cannot run the night without your help, so we need as many parents to assist as possible to ensure the Club operates efficiently so that Friday night competitions finish at a reasonable hour.
Our Committee
We make things happen together with parents, officials, and other volunteers. We all donate our time to run and improve the centre so kids have a great environment to run, jump, and throw. Being part of the Committee is a really good way to learn about sports and children.
- President – Craig
- Vice President – Dave
- Treasurer – Marjorie
- Secretary – Bec
- Registrar – Katherine
- Equipment Officer – Brett
- Championship Officer – Anna
- Canteen Officer – Vacant
- First Aid/Safety Officer – Annie
- Fundraising Officer – Linda
- Publicity Officer – Katherine
- Results Officer – Lil & Michelle
- Brendan
- Ken
- Sherelle
- Thach